
GitHub Actions Workflow Status Crates.io Top Language Last Commit Latest Release

tbll outputs data in tabular format.

cat << EOF | tbll -s --headers 'Movie,Year,Director,Genre'
The Matrix,1999,Lana & Lilly Wachowski,Science Fiction
Fight Club,1999,David Fincher,Drama
Pulp Fiction,1994,Quentin Tarantino,Crime
The Shawshank Redemption,1994,Frank Darabont,Drama
Jurassic Park,1993,Steven Spielberg,Adventure
Forrest Gump,1994,Robert Zemeckis,Drama
│ Movie                    │ Year │ Director               │ Genre           │
│ The Matrix               │ 1999 │ Lana & Lilly Wachowski │ Science Fiction │
│ Fight Club               │ 1999 │ David Fincher          │ Drama           │
│ Pulp Fiction             │ 1994 │ Quentin Tarantino      │ Crime           │
│ The Shawshank Redemption │ 1994 │ Frank Darabont         │ Drama           │
│ Jurassic Park            │ 1993 │ Steven Spielberg       │ Adventure       │
│ Forrest Gump             │ 1994 │ Robert Zemeckis        │ Drama           │

💾 Installation


brew install dhth/tap/tbll


cargo install tbll
cargo install --git https://github.com/dhth/tbll.git

Or get the binaries directly from a Github release. Read more about verifying the authenticity of released artifacts here.

⚡️ Usage


tbll outputs data in tabular format

Usage: tbll [OPTIONS]

  -r, --row <STRING:::STRING...>    Row elements
  -s, --read-stdin                  Whether to read row elements from stdin
  -d, --delimiter <STRING>          Delimiter to use [default: ,]
  -n, --num-cols <NUMBER>           Number of columns to output [default: 1]
      --headers <STRING,STRING...>  Command separated list of headers; overrides --num-cols when provided
      --style <STRING>              Border Style [default: sharp] [possible values: ascii, ascii-rounded, blank, dots, empty, extended, markdown, modern, modern-rounded, psql, re-structured-text, rounded, sharp]
      --left-pad <NUMBER>           Left padding for cells [default: 1]
      --right-pad <NUMBER>          Right padding for cells [default: 1]
  -h, --help                        Print help

Basic Usage

cat <<EOF | tbll -s -d ':::' \
    --headers 'col1,col2,col3' \
    --style psql \
    --left-pad 2 \
    --right-pad 2 \
    --row 'r1c1:::r1c2:::r1c3' \
    --row 'r2c1:::r2c2:::r2c3' \
    --row 'r3c1:::r3c2:::r3c3'
  col1  |  col2  |  col3
  r1c1  |  r1c2  |  r1c3
  r2c1  |  r2c2  |  r2c3
  r3c1  |  r3c2  |  r3c3
  r4c1  |  r4c2  |  r4c3
  r5c1  |  r5c2  |  r5c3
cat <<EOF | tbll -s -d ':::' --headers 'attribute,value'
commit:::$(git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)
message:::$(git log -1 --pretty=format:'%B' 2>/dev/null)
stat:::$(git diff HEAD~1..HEAD --shortstat 2>/dev/null)
author:::$(git log -1 --pretty=format:'%ae' 2>/dev/null)
│ attribute │ value                                            │
│ event     │ COMMIT_PUSHED                                    │
│ system    │ tbll                                             │
│ env       │ prod                                             │
│ commit    │ fcb1cdc                                          │
│ message   │ docs: add more examples                          │
│ stat      │ 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) │
│ author    │ 13575379+dhth@users.noreply.github.com           │

🔐 Verifying release artifacts

In case you get the tbll binary directly from a release, you may want to verify its authenticity. Checksums are applied to all released artifacts, and the resulting checksum file is attested using Github Attestations.

Steps to verify (replace A.B.C in the commands below with the version you want):

  1. Download the sha256 checksum file for your platform from the release:

    curl -sSLO https://github.com/dhth/tbll/releases/download/vA.B.C/tbll-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz.sha256
  2. Verify the integrity of the checksum file using gh.

    gh attestation verify tbll-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz.sha256 --repo dhth/tbll
  3. Download the compressed archive you want, and validate its checksum:

    curl -sSLO https://github.com/dhth/tbll/releases/download/vA.B.C/tbll-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz
    sha256sum --ignore-missing -c tbll-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz.sha256
  4. If checksum validation goes through, uncompress the archive:

    tar -xzf tbll-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz
    # profit!