✨ cueitup

cueitup lets you inspect messages in an AWS SQS queue in a simple and deliberate manner. It was built to simplify the process of investigating the contents of messages being pushed to an SNS topic. You can pull one or more messages on demand, peruse through them in a list, and, if needed, persist them to your local filesystem.



brew install dhth/tap/cueitup


go install github.com/dhth/cueitup@latest

⚡️ Usage

Consuming JSON messages

Basic usage

cueitup \
    -aws-profile="<PROFILE>" \
    -aws-region="<REGION>" \
    -queue-url="https://sqs.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/<ABC>/<XYX>" \

Viewing a subset of the full payload

To only view the nested object with the key ‘Message’ in the JSON payload below, use 👇

  "Type": "Notification",
  "MessageId": "f7bbec51-1cd1-4630-8eb3-7b124de6d6f4",
  "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123:queue-name",
  "Message": {
    "companyId": "af8e74b2-82db-4349-b861-c1d9d1a3033f",
    "resourceId": "611a709e-2b96-41e3-9274-8bbd4e191334",
    "aggregateId": "93422d4d-90ec-4a20-a794-3f835d7605cf",
    "sequenceNr": 59,
    "dateTime": "b5692ca5-e060-4318-8a40-e2b806a4018a",
    "type": "com.some.kind.of.event",
    "version": 1
  "Timestamp": "5f0244d6-e640-43f4-86d0-5b9aa639c7df",
  "SignatureVersion": "1",
  "Signature": "XYZ",
  "SigningCertURL": "https://sns.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/SimpleNotificationService-ABC",
  "UnsubscribeURL": "https://sns.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/?Action=Unsubscribe&SubscriptionArn=arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:XYZ"
cueitup \
    -aws-profile="<PROFILE>" \
    -aws-region="<REGION>" \
    -queue-url="https://sqs.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/<ABC>/<XYX>" \
    -msg-format='json' \

Adding Context to Your List

You can provide a key, whose value will be shown as for context in the list.

cueitup \
    -aws-profile="<PROFILE>" \
    -aws-region="<REGION>" \
    -queue-url="https://sqs.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/<ABC>/<XYX>" \
    -msg-format='json' \
    -subset-key='Message' \


cueitup is built using the awesome TUI framework bubbletea.