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dstll (short for “distill”) gives you a high level overview of various “constructs” in your code.



Sometimes, you want to quickly understand how a project is organized. It could be a new repo you’re working on, or a specific part of a project you’re unfamiliar with. When given a list of files you’re curious about, dstll shows you a list of signatures representing various “code constructs” found in those files, such as functions, methods, classes, traits, interfaces, objects, type aliases, enums, etc.

📜 Languages supported

  • go
  • python
  • rust
  • scala 2
  • more to come

💾 Installation


go install github.com/dhth/dstll@latest

Or get a binary directly from a release.

⚡️ Usage

# print findings to stdout
dstll [PATH ...]

# write findings to a directory
dstll write [PATH ...] -o /var/tmp/findings

# serve findings via a web server
dstll serve [PATH ...] -o /var/tmp/findings

# open TUI
dstll tui





🛠️ Configuration

Create a configuration file that looks like the following. By default, dstll will look for this file at ~/.config/dstll/dstll.yml.

view_file_command = ["your", "command"]
# for example, ["bat", "--style", "plain", "--paging", "always"]
# will run 'bat --style plain --paging always <file-path>'

Δ dstlled-diff

dstll can be used to generate specialized diffs that only compare changes in signatures of “code constructs” between two git revisions. This functionality is available as a Github Action via dstlled-diff.


Running dstll in the scala repo gives the following output:

$ dstll $(git ls-files src/compiler/scala/tools/tasty | head -n 3)

-> src/compiler/scala/tools/tasty/ErasedTypeRef.scala

object ErasedTypeRef

class ErasedTypeRef(qualifiedName: TypeName, arrayDims: Int)

def apply(tname: TastyName): ErasedTypeRef

def name(qual: TastyName, tname: SimpleName, isModule: Boolean)

def specialised(qual: TastyName, terminal: String, isModule: Boolean, arrayDims: Int = 0): ErasedTypeRef


-> src/compiler/scala/tools/tasty/Attributes.scala

object Attributes

private class ConcreteAttributes(val isJava: Boolean) extends Attributes


-> src/compiler/scala/tools/tasty/AttributeUnpickler.scala

object AttributeUnpickler

def attributes(reader: TastyReader): Attributes

More examples can be found here.