
dstll (short for “distill”) gives you a high level overview of various constructs in your code.


🤔 Motivation

Sometimes, you want to quickly understand how a project is organized. It could be a new repo you’re working on or a specific part of a project you’re unfamiliar with. When given a list of files you’re curious about, dstll shows you a list of signatures representing different constructs found in those files, such as classes, functions, objects, etc.

💾 Installation


go install github.com/dhth/dstll@latest

⚡️ Usage

dstll can be run in both CLI and TUI mode. The former is the default.

CLI Mode

In CLI mode, dstll accepts a list of file paths from stdin.

git ls-files | dstll
# or
find . -name '*.go' | dstll
# or
fd . --extension=scala | head -n 4 | dstll
# or
ls -1 | dstll
# or
cat <<EOF | dstll

Screen 1

TUI Mode

In TUI mode, dstll allows you to manually query for constructs with the help of a file browser.

dstll -mode=tui

Screen 2

Screen 3

Server Mode

dstll can present its findings via a web server which serves HTML output.

git ls-files | dstll -mode=server

Screen 3


  • go
    • Query methods
  • scala
    • Query Objects
  • python
    • Query classes
  • JS
  • TS


Running dstll in the scala repo gives the following output:

$ git ls-files src/compiler/scala/tools/tasty | head -n 3 | dstll

👉 src/compiler/scala/tools/tasty/AttributeUnpickler.scala

object AttributeUnpickler

def attributes(reader: TastyReader): Attributes


👉 src/compiler/scala/tools/tasty/Attributes.scala

object Attributes

private class ConcreteAttributes(val isJava: Boolean) extends Attributes


👉 src/compiler/scala/tools/tasty/ErasedTypeRef.scala

object ErasedTypeRef

class ErasedTypeRef(qualifiedName: TypeName, arrayDims: Int)

def signature: String

def encode: ErasedTypeRef

def apply(tname: TastyName): ErasedTypeRef

def name(qual: TastyName, tname: SimpleName, isModule: Boolean)

def specialised(qual: TastyName, terminal: String, isModule: Boolean, arrayDims: Int = 0): ErasedTypeRef


More examples can be found here.