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tomo is a no-frills pomodoro progress indicator intended for tmux and similar terminal multiplexers.

❯ tomo

⚡️ Usage

Usage: tomo [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  start  Start a pomodoro timer
  stop   Stop timer
  break  Start a break
  help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -p, --pending-block <STRING>   String to represent a "pending" block in the progress bar [default: ▫]
  -c, --complete-block <STRING>  String to represent a "complete" block in the progress bar [default: ▪]
  -l, --left-pad <STRING>        String to pad the output with on the LHS [default: " "]
  -r, --right-pad <STRING>       String to pad the output with on the RHS [default: " "]
  -d, --delimiter <STRING>       Delimiter between progress bar chunks [default: ]
  -n, --num-blocks <NUM>         Number of blocks to show in progress bar [default: 10]
      --finished-msg <STRING>    Message to show when timer is finished [default: done]
      --break-msg <STRING>       Message to show when on a break [default: \o/]
  -h, --help                     Print help

Changing the appearance of the progress bar

❯ tomo -l='[ ' -r=' ]'
[ ▪▪▪▪▪▫▫▫▫▫ ]

❯ tomo -p='⣀' -c='⣿' -n=20

Start tracking with time already elapsed

tomo start --elapsed-mins 10

Displaying progress bar in tmux’s status bar

Add the following to your tmux config (or modify it accordingly).

set -g status-right "#(tomo)"